Devotion Defined: When Joshua Saw Jesus

Summary In order for the walls of obstruction to fall in our lives, we first must fall. When Joshua encountered the Lord Jesus Christ in Gilgal, there were certain things God revealed to him face-to-face concerning the things in the way. In order for us to reach where God is leading us, we must changeContinue reading “Devotion Defined: When Joshua Saw Jesus”

Wanderer or Warrior: The Heat Around the Corner

Summary On paper, Balaam and Phinehas have more in common than meets the eye. In this message we take a deep dive into both men’s lives. Ask yourself: who are you when you’re under pressure? When you’re being put to the test, what’s inside of you comes out, as was the case with Balaam andContinue reading “Wanderer or Warrior: The Heat Around the Corner”

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